
08 May 2009

The Switch

Into storage goes the tweed and flannel...out of the basement come the "go-to-hell" pants, (and shorts). It's possible, considering my status as an unemployed non-member of the blue blooded establishment, that I own altogether too many pair:
but, "go-to-hell"...isn't that the point.


  1. It's indeed time for the GTH wardrobe and not a moment too soon.

  2. the green is already my favorite!

  3. Giuseppe, What a collection. You could tell almost anyone in any strata of society to GTH - it's almost dangerous.

  4. Man,you are SET.

  5. Yes, well we're a few weeks away from making the switch here in Scotland. It's bloody freezing today!
    Maybe by the end of the month.

  6. nice collection. Here are some of my "go to hell pants": Nautica light blue and white stripe seersucker, Nautica white chinos, Nautica olive green corduroys....yes I think Nautica makes the best pants...Polo and Brooks pants do NOT fit me right at all


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