
13 July 2012

AAW x NSV...Again

Once again, the unstoppable partnership of An Affordable Wardrobe and Newton Street Vintage makes a live appearance:
An Affordable Wardrobe...

and Newton Street Vintage.

Together again at the Davis Flea, Sunday 29 July, 10am till 4 pm. Be there or be a hippie.


  1. Damn! I'm going to have to be a hippie. Happy vending!

  2. I'll most definitely be there! I went to the Davis Flea 3 weeks back and really enjoyed myself, (I even posted about it on my own novice attempt at blogging,) glad you gentlemen will be participating, I look forward to seeing you there. It's events like this one that make Somerville such an awesome place to live!

  3. I like how that yellow pops in the second jacket. I really want a madras sport coat, but being so small, I haven't found one yet. Kids sport coats (I'd need an 18 or a 20), don't often pop up in the resale shops...


An Affordable Wardrobe strives for an open discussion of all the topics presented here. All opinions, whether in agreement with the author or not, will be considered for publication. Please present your points in a clear and adult fashion. Negative comments of an overtly crass nature will not be published. Besides dressing like grown ups, let's behave like them as well.