
02 July 2012

Pitti Uomo 2012

from Judge magazine, 1923

This may look like an old cartoon, but it's actually a drwing of a bunch of third rate mens fashion bloggers chasing after the last train to Pitti Uomo 2012. The Sartorialist, Scott Schuman, is the one seated behind Garance Dore on the back of the train.

p.s. the Shop is full to capacity with plenty of new items. Stop by and browse.


  1. That's funny as shit. Almost as funny as the Pitty-ful contrivances I see in the photos at/of Pitti.

  2. I'd accuse you of being rude and snarky, or some such, but the main reason I go to that guy's website is to laugh. The comments really make one believe in the "dumbing down" of society; ANYTHING claimed to be photo'd in Florence or Milan gives 'em palpitations

  3. I don't think Mr. Schuman is seated there...

  4. Thanks for saying what so many of us think. I see the latest updates of "must haves" from Pitti and I can't imagine having them. Perhaps if I were a comic and vaudeville ever came back.

  5. What are you saying G? Don't be coy. I do think it is incredulous to make fun of the Pitti Uomo crowd and third-rate menswear bloggers though (if that is what you are doing). Don't we all, bloggers and readers alike, enjoy a heightened sartorial sense that by it's very nature is contrived and pretentious. Live with it, revel in it, but don't pretend we're not part of it!

    The Sartorialist comments section is f*ckin' moronic though!

  6. It's not all bad, IMO. This is from 2011--the guy in sunglasses looks like he'd be fun to know:

  7. Not casting stones, here. I'm fourth rate, at best.

  8. i was banned from his site for pointing out the obvious about many of his subjects. you have to be drinkers of the cool-aid to post there.

  9. kool aid, with a "K".

    Oh, yeah!!!!


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