I heard that the Farmer's Almanac has predicted an unusually cold winter this year. Not that I neccesarily put much stock in the Farmer's Almanac, butI say bring it on. I've been preparing, and I'm ready. Are you?
Currently in the closet are some old friends and some recent off season acquisitions. Left to right: Vintage Southwick heavy wool twill in hunter green; vintage wool tartan jacket (great for Bobby Burns parties); Paul Stuart brown glen check with gold and burgundy overcheck; old custom cashmere large scale glen check with blue overcheck; Andover Shop Russell plaid heavy tweed; Brooks Brothers gun club check with open patch pockets; Andover Shop moss green tweed with orange, red, blue, and lavender check; Andover Shop brown tweed with burgundy overcheck; Norman Hilton brown color fleck herringbone; three piece cavalry twill suit. All acquired through thrift shops, ebay, or trade.
Not bad for a broke cheapskate. Persistence pays off.
p.s. Looks like we have temps pushing 80 on the way this weekend. Good thing I kept the khakis and hopsack blazer in rotation.

Absolutely LOVE those tweeds! May the Almanac's forecast hold true.
Best Regards,
Heinz-Ulrich von B.
So after discovering your blog and reading through the entire archives (I've been travelling a lot lately so had some downtime) I wanted to say thank you for turning me back on to thrifting. I spent a lot of time in thrift stores about 15 years ago, buying the ugliest plaid jackets and Hawaiian shirts I could find (high school was interesting), but haven't been back since. I have found some great stuff over the past couple weeks, though my wife's reaction ranges from an eye roll (Kelly green gingham pants, wool plaid jacket) to "why are you so dressed up?" (Anything with a collar it seems). Anyway, thanks for writing and normalizing some of the things I've always thought (you can look good for cheap and it's better to be overdressed than underdressed).
You are a brave soul for that Tartan jacket (I would never hear the last of it from my wife if I wore that!). I admire that about you (the whole G.T.H. attitude!).
Ditto what Heinz said! You can never go wrong with a tweed jacket, especially a vintage tweed jacket!
I'm always happy to hear stories like that. Keep thrifting.
Truthfully, the tartan is mostly a holiday/party jacket. I don't attend many holiday parties, but I always like to wear some bold tartan when I do.
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