31 March 2009
It All Comes Together (relativity and scale)
30 March 2009
Extra Suits
A nice light weight number, and a slightly less dressy suit option for Spring.
Olive suits are a tricky thing. Though the color may be quiet and dull, they can be surprisingly difficult to match with shirts and ties. They don't always work well with white shirts, they sometimes work with blue shirts, and they go best with ecru shirts, only I hate ecru shirts. They don't go with brown socks or grey socks, but rather tend to defy logic and work best with bright socks. And though we live in an increasingly too-casual society, many offices that require a suit will frown on them. They occupy some sort of weird middle ground, being somehow less dressy than even a navy blazer and grey slacks. No wonder they only enjoy brief and short lived moments of popularity.
I remember back in the nineties when I worked at Simon's they were the new thing. We used to call them "earth tone" because you just couldn't sell a guy a green suit, no matter how hard you tried. But we would only sell them to a guy after he had a blue suit, and a grey suit, etc. In fact, we'd even talk guys out of it if they didn't already own the basics. No man really needs an olive green suit, myself incuded.
But what the hell, it was only eight bucks. I'm thinking with a bow tie, argyles and penny loafers, it will make a great suit for a casual Friday.
25 March 2009
Cycling Attire
Since old Ma Nature has finally seen fit to bless the city of Boston with a day that was not only sunny, but also comfortably warm, I thought today might be a good time to discuss cycling attire.
I love travelling by bicycle. In fact, before my wife became pregnant, I didn't even learn to drive a car. People would always ask me why, but that's a post for another place (maybe Channeling Bunny). Many people would find this a great restriction, but I found it quite freeing, kind of like not having credit cards. I would always tell people that they should ride a bike to work when the weather permits, and the most frequent argument against it always had to do with having to dress for the bike. Obviously, these people had never heard of the trusty English 3 speed.
These bikes are great. They still make similar ones today. However, so many of them were produced at one time that a little digging will easily find a proper old one for a fraction of the cost of a piece-of-junk new bike. And of course the coolness factor increases exponentially. Features to look for include: a basket to carry all of the junk that modern people see fit to cart back and forth to the office these days, an upright stance making it possible to ride in a sports jacket, fenders to keep splashes off of your clothes, and a chain guard to keep your right pants leg out of the chain without having to roll it up. It's a dressy bike, and a comfortable ride.
You can ride it dressed like this:
Don't forget to wear your helmet! ( if only someone would design one that doesn't make you look like a mope).
23 March 2009
The Best New Shoes Are Old Shoes
p.s. on my recent disappearance of the last few days: The 2 year old has been sick as hell. I've been sleeping on the floor in his room, or rather waking up every 1/2 to help him, and keep him out of our room where the baby sleeps. He seems to be feeling much better today. Maybe I can start sleeping in abed again soon. The little girl is doing wonderfully, but she is only three weeks old. Add to that the new(ish) job, school, and the unending laundry, dirty dishes, and clutter that fill my house...well you get the idea.
20 March 2009
First Day of Spring (past, present, future)
Spring has finally arrived. Eastern Massachusetts responded with a bright sunny day, balmy with temperatures in the high 30's. One of those days when you look out the window and think "what a gorgeous day!" Then you go outside and spend the day trying to convince yourself that it's not cold, when in fact you're almost freezing.
The Present
The Future
One day it will be Summer. In Massachusetts this means that no end of nautically themed clothing is too much. This neck tie embroidered with anchors and ships wheels may be more than a little silly, but with a white shirt, a pair of Nantucket reds , no socks, and topsiders, you're set. True, I don't own a yacht, but that doesn't mean that a little of the old sprezzatura, and my inner Thurston Howell, can't pull this off.
The point? If you go into a thrift store looking for something particular, forget it. Be persistent, look through everything, and snatch the good stuff, regardless of the current season. It's the only way to navigate these places successfully. Take the broad view. In the long run, you'll be glad you did.
18 March 2009
Comparison Shopping
17 March 2009
Festa di San Patrizio
Back in the salad days of Punk Rock, St. Pat's was a pretty sought after night for a good gig, it being the drinkin'est of holidays. This was compounded by the existence of a plethora of nouveau hardcore bands who aligned themselves with Irishness, a particularly Boston phenomenon. This usually involved bagpipes and kilts (aren't those Scottish?), fighting and of course, binge drinking.
Today I dug up one of my old poster portfolios and found one I did for a gig one of my bands had on St. Pat's about five years ago:This was just after the Boston Celtics had stopped using this guy as their main logo. That night, I wore a t-shirt with an Italian flag on it that said "Italian Bad Boy. North End Boston", you know, just to be a punk. I tried to convince the guys to cover Angelina at the Pizzeria by Louie Prima with me singing, you know, just to be punks. They didn't go for it.
St. Patrick's parents were from Rome, anyway, which means that technically he's even more Italian than I am. Maybe we should all be eating green spaghetti or something for supper tonight.
16 March 2009
Three Easy Pieces
I find that by wearing the vest open at the bottom, and showing some shirt cuff below the sleeve of the Barbour, this group can be imbued with a certain casual country sort of elegance.
15 March 2009
In the Details, for Better or Worse
These days, 'trad' or 'preppy' or whatever-you-want- to-call-it is enjoying a minor spell of youth popularity. I'll admit, I own some of these clothes myself. Not because they're trendy, but because, like everything else I've ever purchased, I managed to find them cheap (or should I say, priced at their real value). One thing I've noticed is that they all have silly, contrived details. Two examples:
Down at the tails, it has these silly bits of imitation necktie sewn in, and worst:
These khakis provide a less egregious example:
Again, sweatshop junk to be sure, but they're cut well, the cloth is sturdy, they were only $5.49, and so on. But again we see the fake neck tie sewn on the inside.
Why do so many of these brands feel the need to add these silly suggestions of the classic repp tie all over everything? Can't a guy just wear an actual striped tie with these things? These kind of details make me feel silly owning these things. I know enough about menswear to feel like a chump when I give in to this sort of ham-fisted attempt at the old university vibe.
The problem is, I can't really afford the good stuff.
The trick is, mixing this junk in selectively, among the good stuff, and keeping your mouth shut. That, plus wearing it with style and confidence, is the key to building An Affordable Wardrobe.
13 March 2009
la primavera, contorni
Here we have an interesting old cotton neck tie, perfect with a chambray sport coat in the warmth of late Spring:
Here we see them on a very worn out, greasy old deck that belonged to my grandparents, Peppino and Elvira:
They played these cards for hours every night after supper. They had been playing their whole lives, but I think they used this deck for at least ten years. My brother and I used to sit and play Briscola and Scopa with them at night sometimes. I remember being about 12 years old, in their apartment with some friends of theirs visiting. The air was thick with cigarette smoke. Nonna let me drink a little bit of stove top espresso, or "black coffee" as it was sometimes called. ( as opposed to drip, or "brown coffee", suitable only for Americans with weak constitutions). I guess that explains a lot.They both used to cheat, a lot. Peppino was clumsy about it, he'd always get caught. Elvira liked to deal from the bottom of the deck.
Here we see the four Aces, as injected into the skin of my left forearm, a memorial to Elvira:
Gasp! My tattoos! I guess you've seen them peeking out of my shirt sleeve here and there. When summer hits and the tennis shirts come out of the storage box, they'll be in every picture. Consider this a warm up. Every year, someone whose used to seeing me in shirts and ties is taken completely by surprise.
What's this post got to do with menswear? Very little. With Spring? Even less. This blog seems to be headed in a direction of it's own, sometimes. Could be that having a new baby in the house has got me thinking a lot more about Family, Tradition, and "The Old Days" lately. Maybe I should change the name. Any suggestions?
12 March 2009
la primavera, secondi
10 March 2009
la primavera
A Viyella necktie, how cool is that? I should wear this thing more often, it was two bucks well spent. It's thick, but because it's part cotton it's also soft. I find the bright color palette of the Tartan can take an outfit out of the Winter blues on a dreary day without being over the top.This pair of grey flannels from J.Press ($5.49, tailored them myself) is far and away the best fitting, nicest pair of pants I own. They are as versatile to me during winter as my khaki's are in summer. The bright yellow socks, a little extra visible thanks to the penny loafers, add another subtle dash of color. The rest of the outfit consisted of a vest sweater, heavy oxford shirt, Barbour jacket and tweed cap, all cold weather items in and of themselves, lightened up by a few select accessories.
People are always complaining about Winter around here, and it drives me batty. It gets me especially when I hear older folks who have spent their lives in the Northeast do it. Firstly, what's so bad about Winter? It's pretty, it's lots of fun for the kids, and you get to wear lots of nice clothes all at once. Second, there comes a point where people need to stop acting surprised every time it snows in Massachusetts. And third, when I was a kid, it started snowing on Halloween and didn't stop until Easter. The stuff we get now is a poor excuse for Winter anyway, and I kind of miss those old school hard snowing days. Builds character. Maybe I'm crazy, or maybe it's just because my birthday is in December.
Besides, what good is Summer without Winter? No pleasure without pain, Circle of Life, blah, blah, blah....
p.s. Can one really use the phrase "penny wise pound foolish" when talking about buying pyjamas for over $100 a set rather than having them custom made by a shirt maker? Somebody wake this guy up. (snarky...)
07 March 2009
Tweed, Repp Ties and the Italian Man

I remember stealing this book from my Dad when I was in high school. It's very silly. Among myriad nuggets of wisdom on the intricacies of living "La Dolce Vita", including how to inhale cheese fumes, how to practice pinching a young ladies posterior, and a chapter on hand gestures labelled "Isometric Communication" (har, har...) we find this comparison photograph:Apparently, striped ties, tweed and button-downs are antithetical to the very concept of being Italian. Damn! Now I've got an identity crisis on my hands!
p.s. extra credit if you can name these two fellows.
p.p.s. Tin Tin, if you're reading this, there may be hope for you yet.
Okay, one more, because it's just too funny:
06 March 2009
I'm very particular in my coffee habits to a point. I like it strong and rich. I only brew espresso at home. I buy fine ground coffee in vacuum sealed bricks, and brew it on the stove top in a Bialetii moka pot.
There are two ways to go about this. First there's the Affordable Wardrobe way:When we first got poor enough for me to really pay attention to prices, I tried like hell to shave every penny I could from the grocery bill. My coffee was one of the last things to suffer the cut. Thankfully, I discovered Cafe El Aguila. It's rich and creamy, very strong. I like it with some sugar and a healthy bit of milk in the morning. At a mere $1.59 per 250 gram brick, it's the best deal going. The company is based in Miami, and apparently it's popular with Cuban ex-pats. Last I checked, they know a thing or two about real coffee.
Then there's the uncompromising Italian way:
And the way the house smells when this stuff is brewing...incomparable!
Throw away your drip pots and percolators, toughen up, and drink real coffee.
More menswear related drivel coming soon.
03 March 2009
Radio Silence
02 March 2009
Peppino's Razor
"Can I have it?" I blurted out. "Sure" said my dad. I took the thing, ran downstairs, popped in a fresh blade, lathered up and had a terrific shave. Afterwards I put the razor back in the box, and put the box back in the medicine cabinet, in the same spot where Peppino kept it for over forty years. ( We live in the apartment that belonged to my grandaprents. They bought the house in 1964. My kids are the fourth generation in my family to live here.)