Today I found this quirky, boiled wool Alpine sweater/jacket thing from Austria, $3.99
29 September 2009
Suit Yourself
Today I found this quirky, boiled wool Alpine sweater/jacket thing from Austria, $3.99
28 September 2009
The Jams
Really, have you ever seen anything more heartfelt and downright honest in all your born days?
26 September 2009
Breaking the Law (the polo ape)

p.s. Fine and Dandy Shop has seen fit to profile yours truly. Shucks, I'm blushing.
p.p.s. Say it ain't so, Toad. We'll miss you
p.p.p.s. Who makes a sartorial bust on YSL? I'll admit, I agree with our man's thoughts on considered dishevelment, but seriously, how you gonna dog YSL? Really.
p.p.p.p.s. Mrs. G and I actually saw some guys playing polo last week. A first time for everything.
23 September 2009
Two weeks ago, Fall came on hard and it rained quite a bit in New England. I was sorely wishing I had some rain shoes. No, not those silly rubber things that go over the dress shoes, but proper rain shoes. Specifically, the classic L.L. Bean rubber moccasin.
Is the Bean slip on moc cooler than the lace-up? No question. Do I like the rubber moc better? No question. But, if you're going to be a cheapskate, you've got to learn how to compromise.
The trick is to do it without sacrificing quality, or real style. Because those are two points on which no gentleman should ever compromise.
19 September 2009
Breaking the Law
To wit:
So I put about a dozen neckties next to it, some good matches and some bad, but none of them were hitting me. I just wasn't "feeling it", as the kids may have been saying last year. And then I had an idea. I don't own an ascot, but what about that earthy colored bandanna (yes, it's a bandanna) that I heisted from Mrs. G a while ago? Perfect! The effect is sort of country club, sort of Basque goat herder going to market to sell his cheese, more than a little bit "fey" (is that how you spell it?)...or maybe just sort of weird. Anyway, I dug it, and the masses responded in a generally favorable manner.
Happy Autumn everybody!
17 September 2009
The Jams
Quick rule of thumb: Verve released a whole bunch of these records with fancy glossy printed gate-fold covers, featuring modern/beatnik oil paintings on the front, simple modern fonts, and extensive liner notes. I've picked up a lot of them over the years, and so far not a dud in the bunch. Great music artfully packaged, a real thing to own, $0.99 ipod download be damned.
In closing, enjoy:
p.s. Tell me Astrud's not as cute as a button...I dare you.
16 September 2009
In Between, part 2
Such combinations are more than a little bold, but don't be afraid. And expect to fail...a lot. For as often as I've pulled this kind of thing off I've left the house looking a bit foolish. But as with anything, practice makes perfect. The more you attempt it, the better of an eye you'll get for it.
Who knew that the kind of creepy childless guy with the comb-over haircut who tried to convince you that math could be done with letters instead of numbers had so much style?
15 September 2009
London via Kid's Books

14 September 2009
And so, we have these barely used and very well-cared-for black wing-tip tassel loafers:
So, then, what to do with these?
So if any of you guys wears a size 10 1/2 wide, and needs yet another pair of somebody else's shoes, email me. These are in good shape, though they would benefit from a new pair of insoles. They'd look great with your 501s and a Harris Tweed jacket. Maybe we can trade something.
09 September 2009
But there are those few things I just can't part with. I'll have them fixed someday, I swear...
05 September 2009
Any advice from you crafty types out there? (Jean Martha, Lisagh, I'm looking at you...)
02 September 2009
In Between
01 September 2009
One For The Road
There you have it, my Nantucket Reds, one more time before Labor Day. Good thing I have my red cords to replace them come Fall, because what gentleman's wardrobe would be complete without some kind of crimson leggings? rant