27 August 2009
A Necktie at the Playground
20 August 2009
A Quick Fix
Remember, thrift clothes can be altered and tweaked the same as new ones. In fact, its almost better if they are, because by changing them in even the slightest ways you transform them from somebody else's clothes to your clothes.
p.s. where the hell is HTJ?
17 August 2009
Making The Best of a Bad Time
Take for instance this: These pants, recently purchased for $5.49, the cloth is seersucker, but with really narrow stripes, almost like pincord. They're certainly not all cotton, which really is a shame with seersucker, my guess is maybe 60%cotton/40% polyester. But the cut of them is trim and sharp, no egregious wide legs. They have no label at all, which leads me to believe they're half of a suit.
This weird Lacoste tennis shirt, with a pocket and plain (i.e. not banded) sleeves, in the palest shade of yellow known to man...
...coton/poly blend. Made in U.S.A., which is good, except that Lacoste shirts are supposed to be made in France. Free from ebay.
My point is, while polyester may be less than desirable, it's presence in a a garment needn't necessarily be a deal breaker. True, that thick, double knit, rubbery stuff is an abomination, but some of those cotton or wool blends ain't half bad when used with a clever eye. Remember, Clint Eastwood didn't look half bad in all those "Dirty Harry" flicks.

Dressing well is all about having an understanding of style, pattern, color and proportion, as well as some dash and a good deal of disregard for what the chumps will invariably say about you. If you don't get that, than the greatest tailor in Naples won't be able to help you, but if you do get it, really get it, you can practically pick your clothes out of the trash and knock 'em dead every time...or at least shop at the thrift store. It's amazing the things that most people throw away.
Style doesn't care about money.
p.s. a million points to Michael Williams at A Continuous Lean for giving Jack McCoy the credit he deserves. I always thought that dude dressed well...he's got Mike Cutter beat by a mile.
15 August 2009
Mad For Plaid, part 3
11 August 2009
House and Home- The Drunkard's Pair
Here are some of my favorites:
It's a good thing we have small kids, and as such are not in the habit of having guests in the evening for cocktails. Really, the horror of something so gauche as unmatched glassware is more than any respectable host could bear!
In the old days, when I worked in a junk shop (not a thrift store, a downright junk shop) we were always getting three of things. Some people would only buy two, but I always bought all three. I called it a "drunkard's pair", because you could get drunk and break one and still have a set.
Now if only I could come up with a clever name for the last glass standing.
08 August 2009
Cheap Commodities, part 3
And a third, in "plum", for $4.99:This one must be an antique. When was the last time old Ralphie had something as mundane as his now iconic tennis shirt made by Americans?
I'm glad to have these. In the warm and casual days spent at the playground sans-necktie, I find that there's no such thing as too many tennis shirts, or chinos of every color, for that matter.
Maybe I should take all the money I save thrift shopping and buy a boat, and start referring to Mrs. G. as "Lovey". A fella can dream, can't he?
06 August 2009
The Jams
The "Rock and Roll Yard Sale" was a success. The kids behaved themselves, the behavior of the hipsters gave me a good couple of laughs, I ran into some old friends, and I went home with nine new records. Given more time and money, the damage could have been much worse. I saw a great deal of fancy, rare and immensely desirable records, And then I found the guy who was selling everything $3 each, four for $10. I love that guy. I only made it about halfway through his stock, and still I acquired much. I apologize if it took me a little too long to report my results, but I needed time to soak these all in.
Record shopping is often about guessing well, knowing how to tell a good record you've never heard from a bad one.
Total haul for $23. Go find me twenty-three 99 cent downloads on i-tunes that can compare to any of these records (o.k. maybe not the Buddy Rich or Gene Krupa) as heard by way of diamond tipped stylus and wooden speakers. I dare you.
03 August 2009
The Pulitzer Prize
Admittedly, this pink and green ensemble may be a bit ostentatious outside of the yacht club or golf course. But with only a scant month left till Rule Changing Day (Labor Day) I've got to get as much wear as I can out of this crazy stuff before grey and brown become the order of the day for the next 3/4 of the year.
Those green pants were downright electric when I bought them. Two summers and a million washes later, and I think they're fading quite nicely. Another ten years and they'll be dead perfect.
p.s. matches perfectly with Old Lady Soda.
01 August 2009
The Business
I've heard it said that any guy looks good in a suit. I think this is only true if you are comfortable in it, or at least can fake it well. That day it was about a million degrees outside, a million percent humidity. I nearly died in this outfit. Just beyond the opening of my jacket, my shirt was completely drenched. But I never took off my jacket, and I never loosened my tie, not even on the way home. Dudes are always complaining about the discomfort of dress clothes, but I say button up, tuck in, man up and discreetly sneak off to dab the sweat from your brow occasionally. That being said, it's nice to live in a time where tennis shirts and shorts are acceptable city wear. Suits are pretty cool, but then again so is not passing out from heat stroke.
p.s. this afternoon kid brother and I, along with the children, will be attending something called the "Rock and Roll Yard Sale"...sort of like a farmers market, but with records. If all goes well, I expect my next post to be a long winded installment of the sub-series "The Jams".