To all my readers, many thanks for your support and comments. Here's wishing each of you the best in 2010.
31 December 2009
Happy New Year!
30 December 2009
Sale Alert!

L.L.Bean has a navy blue wax cotton down jacket on sale for $34.95 in their print catalog, but I'll be damned if I can find it on the website. Much as I dig it, I'm going to pass, being currently in no real need of more down or waxed cotton, but some of you might be interested, so here's a scan of the print catalog page:

28 December 2009
La Colazione
What more could a third-hand Italian kid want?
27 December 2009
Treasure Trove
Remain seated, stay calm, and prepare to witness the work of a master (you know, not to blow my own horn or anything):
Total cost of the entire haul: $30.
Yeah, you heard me. ..told you I was the master.
25 December 2009
Merry Christmas
24 December 2009
Gay Apparel...
23 December 2009
My Tailor
Mrs. Lee does most of the talking. She writes your slip on a carbon copy pad, you take the pink copy. But you don't need to keep it, because she remembers you and what you came to pick up every time. That kind of customer service is also a dying art.
So, in a few days when Christmas is in the rear view mirror, take that item of clothing that fits wrong to the Lee's. If you find a suit made of beautiful wool at the thrift, but it needs some work, take it to the Lee's. Hell, if you just need a sweater dry-cleaned, take it to the Lee's. They really know their trade.
22 December 2009
Festive Neckwear
I used to profess a disdain for the holiday season. This was, I think, the result of a combination of relative poverty and a lifetime of retail work...then I had children, and I began to see the fun in Christmas again. Sure, it's still an extravaganza of consumerism and capitalism, and sure, the religion of it has been lost a long time ago. But, it is fun to make your loved ones happy with special gifts, especially if some of your loved ones happen to be small children.
Then last year, I bought the infamous red cords, in the end of season sale from Lands End...and so began my love affair with festive attire (or 'gay apparel', as the song says). Now, I realize that excessive plaid and bright red sweaters may not be for everyone (or possibly even for me), but there are ways to be subtle(ish) in your display of holiday cheer. Enter the tasteful festive necktie:
Or maybe, like me, your job requires no dress code, and you stopped caring long ago what others might say about you, sure in your own bad-ass-ery. In which case you could try an irreverent dark green silk tie, embroidered with lobsters in bright red,
Whatever you do, avoid candy canes, reindeer, Christmas tree or Santa motifs, as if they were the plague...
...and if you even own a musical necktie, don't talk to me.
19 December 2009
Holiday Entertaining at Home
Anyway, on to the superficial trivialities upon which this blog is based.
The Togs:
The Spread:
Not pictured: Roasted chicken legs with Herbes de Provence. Potatoes and carrots, roasted, plain and simple, with olive oil, kosher salt and black pepper. Washed down with plenty, and I do mean plenty, of wine. We had plenty of Chateau Coupe Roses Minervois, a medium bodied and slightly floral red blend from the south of France. An extremely approachable and versatile wine, not too dear at $12.99 a bottle. Also on the board were a racy little baby Tuscan, and a bottle of Chinon that didn't get opened...I'm saving that one for tomorrow. Word on the street is we're getting snowed in tonight.
Finished off with spiced hot cider and rum.
Damn, we should do this more often.
16 December 2009
The Perfect Suit?
If only I had a corner office on the 50th floor, a bottle of good Scotch in the bottom drawer of my desk, a sexy but demure secretary, a box of illicit Cuban cigars hidden in the garage, and some wealthy international clients that wanted me to "show 'em a good time while we're in town", I'd be all set.