Welcome to my new blog. This ones about
men's clothes, because the web needs more silly blogs about
men's clothes, right.
Let me give you some background about what prompted this one. My friends and I all believe a man should present himself well, at all times, and that personal style is of the utmost importance. As such, we all spend
a lot of time reading all the others
men's blogs out there. Trouble is these
blogs generally tend to be written by guys with enough money to buy what they want when they want it, which can be frustrating if you're a regular guy (i.e. not a rich kid). It can be especially infuriating when you've
strived all your life to overcome this financial hurtle when choosing the items of a gentlemanly wardrobe. It becomes even more infuriating when you know good stuff from garbage, and are loath to settle for crap. The so called "Trad" blogs are the worst, because these guys ought to know that thriftiness and hand-me-downs are a major aspect of this so-called
Q: "Nice jacket. Where did you get it?"A: " My grandfather bought it at the J.Press store in Cambridge in 1966."That's more like it.
Not to be all sour grapes, there are a lot of fun reads out there, guys who know what they're talking about. Check out the Links, which all link to each other. (the community
is a tad bit incestuous)
So my intention, not unlike all the others, is to post pictures and musings about clothes. Cheap clothes of excellent quality. Believe me, if you train yourself to look, there's
a lot of good stuff out there. And remember, a good dry cleaner and tailor can take a so-so thrift score back to its original well tailored glory for a fraction of the cost of new clothes. Besides, new stuff is pretty shoddy compared to its older ancestors anyway.
So let's begin with my most recent acquisition. It may still be warm outside, but with Labor Day behind us we're all thinking of wool and tweed. When fall hits full swing, few things in a mans closet are more versatile than a hard wearing tweed
sport coat, like this one:

Made in U.S.A. of handwoven Harris Tweed, the real stuff. It's hard to tell in the photo's, but the weave is medium brown with bluish grey underneath, which means with brown pants its brown and with grey pants its grey. I plan to wear this coat repeatedly from now until April with every thing from khakis to bluejeans to bow ties and flannels. It doesn't get more versatile than that.
Price= $5.99 less 50%= $2.99! The dry cleaning will cost three times as much.