A collar pin can be a quick and easy way to punch up a simple outfit and set yourself aside as one of the few guys who's been paying attention. I find the best way to wear one is to let it be the only unusual element in an ensemble, let it stand alone and do the talking. Being something of a luxury item, I find it also works best with quality clothes and fabrics. In this case, a grey nailhead suit by Paul Stuart ($40 on eBay), a blue point collar shirt by Brooks Brothers ($5.49), a simple navy bar stripe tie by Liberty of London ($1.99), and a plain white linen square. The collar pin is from the Andover Shop, a simple gold colored safety pin style, and the only item purchased at retail, for $17.50.
I find the older I get, the more I appreciate simplicity in an outfit. Before any of you points it out, I'm fully aware that this very blog is rife with photos of combinations that "push it", and I still appreciate sartorial adventure. But lately, I'm really digging the One Thing At A Time school of dressing.
Of course, not being one to ever leave well enough alone, I simply couldn't resist the purple socks.

Excellent! Love the socks, and thank you for suggesting a collar pin. Note to self: MUST get one of those.
Best Regards,
Heinz-Ulrich von B.
Love your purple socks. Looks like you and Michael Drake have somethign in common:
Men's clothing illustrations from the 30s are full of wonderful trouser/sock/shoe combination. Several such drawings can be found here.
It seems that for a city suit, socks might match the suit's color; such socks typically had clocks and/or some texture. Contrast color socks were often dark and plain but textured, and perhaps with clocks. Socks for casual suits were all over the place in color, texture, and pattern, yet still coordinated with the outfit.
So G is, once again, going to the classics and giving them a modern twist. Looks great!
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