Of course, I couldn't wait to trot my new extravagant shirts out for all to see. Here is outfit number 1:

So what do you wear with a $75 pink shirt with a contrast collar? How about a
navy flannel blazer ($3.49), an
understated tie from
Mr. Sid ($1.99), and an Italian silk pocket square with hand rolled edges ($0.99). Finish with a collar pin that I nabbed for a quarter about a million years ago.

Check the perfect sleeve length. 1/2 inch of shirt cuff showing, just about right.

And though it may still be a little flashy, I'm really digging the combo of two button shirt cuff with two button jacket cuff. Aw, c'mon, give me a break. This isn't nearly as affected as a working four button jacket cuff with two left undone.

Finished simply, with grey flannels and brown Florsheims. (bet you can't even spot the
repair job on those trews, can ya?)

As for fit, these shirts are dead on. Perfect sleeve length. The body provides room for movement without being in the least blousey. The armhole is fitted, but not tight. It stays tucked in...all day. Sure, I may look a bit wrinkled in this photo, but that's what a shirt ought to look like after it's been worn for ten hours. "Non-Iron" cotton is for savages.
As for the collar: True, a proper "club collar" is shorter and trimmer than this one. So it's a point collar with rounded edges, if it makes the nit-pickers happy. Frankly I don't care. It fits just right, and looks well pinned, which is what I was after in the first place.
p.s....this is for Tin Tin:
sleeve to yoke pattern matching on the striped jobbie is pretty damn tight, no?
The fit of that shirt is impeccable and the collar falls perfectly under the blazer. The collar pin really makes the outfit. I've been on the search for collar bars/pins and found some excellent ones at Paul Stuart for under $20, far under the price of anything else from PS.
Scotty Alexander
The Cable Knit Collegian
Looks good. Thanks to the collar pin in the top photo, the rounded points of the collar seem to be hidden behind the lapels, thereby rescuing your apperance.
The body provides room for movement without being in the least blousey
What are you talking about? The shirt blouses profusely.
I studied all these pictures carefully (my husband is continuing his style adventure) and we follow in your "train"! Having lived a million years ago ourselves, I'm sure theirs a collar pin in the drawer SOMEwhere.
I DO believe you've slimmed down! If so, congratulations. I know it's not easy. (If not, forget I said anything.)
I love the Florsheims. I used to have some black pebble grain Florsheim longwings that were given to me by my dad, but I grew out of them. Brown ones like yours are definitely on my "to thrift" list.
Profusely? No, I think it's just about right. A guy needs at least some room in his shirt. Tight clothes are for skinny people, which I'm not.
Yeah, I lost ten pounds in the last few weeks. Thanks for noticing.
Uh oh,
Somebody has pesky snarky anonymous commenters on his blog. Time to get out the pesticides to kill those cockroaches!
I don't post often, but me thinks you are getting some consistent hecklers here. I, for one, appreciate your "experiments in style". Helps me makeup my own mind about what works or doesn't. Keep up the good work and congrats on the weight loss!
You got the wrong colour mate. Cream is cool yella sucks. But I love the Mod collar.Why are you paying big money for one shirt? If you ever get to London make a Bee Line for Moorgate and check out the Luxury shirts in M and S.29 pounds
the pink is coming across as cream or yellow on my monitor, so i'm losing the full effect. but, that being said, looking sharp! like the collars, great fit. you should be pleased.
Me and my damn photgraphy. I take a lot of these pictures at night, under (obviously) pretty bad lighting. Gives everything a yellow cast. Apologies.
The photos in the previous post were taken in daylight, so the colors are a lot truer.
Swanky! Great outfit, as (almost) always.
Now, that collar jewelry looks to me like a collar bar and not a collar pin. If it pokes a hole through the material, it's a pin, and if it clips on, it's a bar.
Just being my usual nit-picky self.
And yes, ideally, a club collar should be a bit trimmer, but if you're happy with it, it's good. Let the snarky anonymice wail all they want--it's not going to change your highly-developed sense of style.
Love the shirts but I'm not really getting the collar pin. It's not really a club collar (or, as the ladies call it, a peter pan collar) because it's too long. Don't get me wrong - I like the length of the collar points and the roundosity of them – but I think the pin is overdoing the fancy shmancy look. Just my pinion.
Awesome fit, dope collar pin.
I don't think the pin is overdoing it.
I'd say that these collars almost need pinning; if these fine shirts were in my wardrobe, that's the only way I'd wear them.
Just my 2¢.
Love the club collar
if you want a mtm shirt then you could try www.lewistaylorts.com
high quality fabric and great tailoring
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