How in the name of all things holy have I lived this long without Fels Naptha soap? Not only does it come in a package that looks like it came out of a time capsule buried in 1944, and for less than a dollar...it removed an oil stain from my favorite pair of J.Crew khakis. That stain had been there for nearly a year, but I couldn't part with the pants, because they fit so well, and it broke my heart. Now they're clean again.
Fels Naptha is King.
I use Fels Naptha soap. I like it better than Spray N' Wash. It is also good to get rid of "ring around the collar".
You forgot to mention that it lasts for-stinking-ever. I've had a bar almost 6 months and have only just barely shaved off maybe a half an inch.
Thank you for this info. I have never tried it, but will definitely be adding this to my laundry room basket.
I love it. It's right next to my 20 Mule Team Borax and white vinegar in the laundry room. Good stuff.
I'll have to try it. 100 per cent naptha dry cleaning fluid used to be my favorite grease stain remover, but I haven't been able to buy it for a few years. I think it's possibly illegal now.
my mother swears by it, we always had a bar sitting by the washing machine. it worked miracles after coming home from a camping trip. its also lethal on mice...
are you kidding? i still have my mother's bar of fels in my laundry room and she has been dead for years. the stuff is da BOMB!
Excellent, I'll have to give this a try. Nothing else seems to work on two stubborn stains I have on two different pairs of khakis.
Thanks for the tip!
i need to calculate how much money i've saved by reading your blog. next time you're in nyc i'm taking you out!
And it smells so good too!
Strange but true: It provided me excellent temporary relief from the itching of poison ivy blisters. Apply wet bar directly to skin.
I think "Anonymous" deserves a little credit for his comment on your Jan 10 post "The Man from Maine".
It was he, after all, who introduced you to Fels-Naptha.
Oddly enough I never find this in the laundry products aisle of the grocery store but in with the bath and hand soap.
Right you are, OCBD. My flubb. Thanks, anonymous.
That's where I found it, right next to Johnoson's Toddler Soap.
Holy Macaroli! Fels Naptha - I remember that stuff being hawked on TV in 50s and maybe the 60s. This was a staple in the cellar - where back-in-the-day - is where Mom did the wash. I was one of four kids in our family - I had a twin brother - and we all went out of the house looking-brand-new! Mom did great!
If you can't find it at your local store, Lehman's Hardware (the hardware store of Amish Country) sells it on their website:
I have been getting excellent results with OxiClean. My second child's bibs are all as brightly colored and as clean as the day we bought them, while my first child's bibs, back in the pre-OxiClean days, were all stained and awful.
OxiClean is great as a presoak treatment (just follow the instructions on the box), but don't bother putting it in the washer with your clothes.
The other great stain treatment I've found is Bac-Out, by Biokleen. It's a liquid. I carry a little container with me, and squeeze it on when I've spilled in a restaurant, or when I've found something soiled at a thrift store. It's saved me from many a trip to the cleaners.
Having said that, I'm going to get me some Fels-Naptha®. I'm looking forward to the wonders it can work.
I will always be in debt to my mother-in-law for introducing me to the wonders of Fels-Naptha. Right up there with Dr. Bronners for all the cleaning needs of a thrift-store cultist. Also, works wonders on all sorts of skin ailments.
A blast from the past! I remember my grandmother having it nearby and in my eyes, grandma always did it right!! Just didn't know that it was still on the market. A quick Google check and it listed all the area stores carrying it. Needless to say that I'm well stocked in every bedroom and the laundry room! Can't thank you enough for the info and the stroll down memory lane.
I'm really Glad i discovered this blog.Added anaffordablewardrobe.blogspot.com to my bookmark!
It worked miracles after coming home from a camping trip.it is also available online
amazon product reviews?
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