Overall, this may be a teensy bit more "Hollywood" for me...but after all, though my style may be steeped in the traditions of New England, I am underneath it all an Italian.
22 June 2010
Sockeye; Reprise
Fresh back from the dry cleaners, and not a moment too soon. 80 degrees of sunny dry heat. What else would a guy wear but a jacket the color of fresh sockeye salmon:
I knew this jacket was a pip the day I bought it, but the thing was filthy...like brittle with dirt. Still, I saw the potential, because you have to think that way when you're buying someone else's junk. Now, it's soft and fresh, and two shades more vibrant. I also had our man Mr. Lee change the matching salmon colored buttons for white ones. That little extra dose of casual goes a long way to making sense of this jacket, no?
It's almost impossible to photograph, but there are actually microscopic bits of navy blue thread woven into this fine piece of vintage hop sack. That's why the navy gingham square is such a ringer. Before someone else says it, I am fully aware that the white tennis shirts have been getting heavy play lately. But when trotting out something in so strong a color as this jacket for the trial run, best to set it off with neutrals. Next time, maybe a white oxford with a navy pencil stripe, or perhaps a navy kn it tie with white dots...
Down below, a pair of brown suede bit loafer driving shoes by Salvatore Ferragamo that I picked up only this morning for $6.00. Not Gucci, but close enough. Talk about divine providence, huh?
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Looks like someone's been checking out those Pitti Uomo street shots. Love the popped collar under the jacket. You killed it G.
If you could find a nice, vintage 911 convertible at the thrift store on your next run, that would be perfect for this outfit in the early summer sun. :)
The white buttons were definitely a great call. Great little accent on an already excellent jacket.
i love this freaking blog, im pretty much a die heart fan of your blog,i find some much inspiration here! check out mines, purple kashmere in the winter at purplekashmere86.blogspot.com
Hell yeah, that rocks!
Oh, wow! That is awesome, G. For me, I think this might be your best yet. You look as if you belong in Hollywood writing screenplays and drinking cocktails and slumming it at night with the club kids. (Say hi to Bret for me if you do). Really well done.
Stonger than wolf piss, man!
Now you are killing it G. Much much better than than the tatty sneakers couple posts back. this is adult dressing.
Wow, I love it. Far better than Sarts model!
Spectacular. Especially the Gamo's.
Damn, did they have more sizes?
This look is so crisp and cool. The white buttons were certainly the right choice, and the shades don't hurt either.
I have to know. Where on earth did you find those shoes...? For those $6...?
Never have I had such low expectations and been so surprised by the results. That looks great!
Very Dean Martin (the highest praise).
You look great. I think I saw your doppelganger at the US Open, sipping wine, eating at all the finest restaurants, hobnobbing with the wealthy, avoiding Tiger, and driving something low-slung and Italian.
That jacket really cleaned up good!
I've also spotted one or two at the thrift but never thought of pulling the trigger. The MOP buttons do the trick.
That is a slamming jacket and outfit. Very, very sharp. Fits great, looks even better. One of these days, I'd like to put on a salmon jacket like yours, or plum colored. I don't know why people haven't worn jackets in the red family since the 60s. This really separates the men from the boys. Nicely played, sir.
Non-judgmental question: did you leave the house with your collar popped?
I vaguely recall a post where you advocated leaving the collar the way it comes - down, but I could be mistaken.
Great outfit, but I do hope the popped collar is just for show...
G - That's a great look. It makes me think of Palm Springs. You might need to spend a little time in the sun. In the last pic, it's a little difficult to tell where the pants end and the ankle begins.
The white buttons take it to the next level -an amazing look overall!!!
I have to say that I was skeptical about this jacket in the beginning, but leave it to you to completely blow me away. Absolutely stunning.
The new buttons really pull the look together.
I'm not wild about the shoes, I think they might be a little too Miami, but the rest is goddamn fantastic. That's your best in a while. Weirdly, it's sort of the sunglasses that really drive it home.
Mr. Giuseppe,
Please tell me what your secret is. How do you find these items in thrift stores? And advice for thrifting near Washington, DC would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,
Don't listen to them...that jacket absolutely screams out for an "up" collar presentation. You look damn smart in that set...like you just stepped out of your Mercedes 450 SL at the Merion Cricket Club. Well done...
Nice outfit, but I don't like those shoes. I have a thing against shoes with large unneeded metal adornments ... but for $6, can't blame you for pulling the trigger on them.
Oh, yeah! Hollywood! Is that a new hair style, too?
I adore this jacket sir. The white buttons are a brilliant touch. I have read your blog for a long while, but never posted a comment. Now is the time I think to state my appreciation! You consistently impress me with your finds and your style, and although occasionally there are some ensembles I wouldn't wear myself (I am English, for all my sins. We have problems expressing ourselves, don't you know?), I always admire your conviction and experimental streak. Very well done.
You sure can't find deals like that in Los Angeles,
Props to you G.
Lookin sharp as always.
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