I don't rightly remember how, but I recently stumbled across an article on a mens fashion site about the current (apparently) "it" haircut for men, referred to as the "short quiff". Highlights from this article include the following:
This year, the short quiff hairstyle has evolved from being a runway haircut seen on male models to the trending haircut. Perhaps its the enduring appeal of shows like Mad Men, but it seems men’s hairstyle trends for 2013 are focused on a refined look, channeling a modern urban gentleman.
The short quiff requires more hair on the top than the sides and back. The key to a good short quiff hairstyle is to strike a balance between the volume at the top and the shortness on the side and back.
The short quiff hairstyle demands the sides and back of your hair be cut short. Whether they are clipped or shaved depends entirely on your desires – it’s best to discuss this with your hairstylist because they’ll know what works for you.
Funny, for over twenty years I've been visiting the same barber shop. I leave my hair longer on top, short at the sides, parted on the left. Guess I've been "trending now" for a long time after all. The conversation goes something like this:
Barber "How you doing? The Usual?"
Me "Yeah, just clean up the back and sides, a little off the top."
If Don Draper were a real person, I bet his instructions to the barber would have been much the same.
---Hair stylist?!?!

Yes, a hair stylist for me. The old time barber was great when I had a full head of hair, but he wants to give me a comb over. I need someone who has been trained to deal with thinning hair who can give me a nice cut without necessitating a comb over or a completely shaved head. Obviously I am not going for the quiff. With that description I am imagining Macklemore rather than Don Draper.
Short quiff? They must mean a men's regular.
I, too, have the "short on the sides and back with the part on the left". The keys for me are: the barber not hacking my hair up, especially around the swirl. And, on the sides/back, I love a #2 with the Oster Classic 76.
One more thing, I've found it very hard to find a barber that gives a good haircut. There are a lot of butchers out there. Keep looking if if you haven't found your guy/gal yet.
Quiff? Must be the 'trending' spelling for coif ... as in coiffure. A love of the classics even extends to spelling.
"Quiff" is British slang for what we might call a pompadour, I think
Instead of just guessing, why don't y'all look it up on that computer thingy your sitting in front of...Bing Dictionary
[ kwif ]
1.man's hair above forehead: a part of a man's hairstyle in which the hair at the front is brushed upward and backward
"Short on the sides and in back, a little longer on top, parted on the left." -- since I was about four, minutes a brief period in my late teens when there was some ill-advised mohawk business and one terrible experience as a boy when the local barber heard that and interpreted it as "make me look like a little Conway Twitty meets televangelist"
Right, like I said.
My experience is that the best barbers are old. The three best barbers where I live are all in their 80s(!), and have been cutting hair forever—one used to cut GI's hair during the war—WWII, that is, when he was a teen.
Everyone else I've tried (around here, anyway) who's younger is... meh.
However, now that everything artisanal is in, we're starting to see artisanal barbers. There's a new barber in my town, in his 30s, who gives very good haircuts—and shaves, too! He's all old-school, complete with vintage barber shop chairs. There is hope yet. I'll probably switch to him after the old guys pass on.
I know how you found the article -- you simply clicked the "Details" button right there on your own blog page.
"Anything for the weekend, sir?"
It was called high and tight in the Army and it had a purpose. If you were shot in the head, you didn't have hair in the way of the wound. Also known as sidewalls, it was what you usually got from a post barber. Since there was no war going on when I was in the army, I got my hair cut at the hospital on post where the barbers were much more accommodating due to the number of blow dried doctors. Brad Pitt and Nick Wooster look like Pez Dispensers but who am I.
Quiff.....as opposed to more more funny...queef.
I had a barber when I was a kid who called it high and tight. If you shaved the sides all the way down, he called that "the English". Don't know why.
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