I was reminded of this picture today in an odd way: This morning around 7 a.m., while searching the channels or Curious George for the boy, I came across "Mr. Ed". Remember that show? I used to watch it in reruns all the time as a small kid. I called this coat my "Wilbur Post jacket", because it looked like something Alan Young would have worn on that show. Come to think of it, Wilbur Post was an architect, I'm studying to be an architect....weird.
I think I might have hated that coat at the time, but I'd probably be wearing it this afternoon if it were a 40 regular.
Very spiffy jacket.
Regarding your Facebook comment--you made me laugh. I've actually had my kids' passwords for years so I know what they're up to, so I'm used to seeing it and being on it. I live such a dull life (obviously) that I have very little to report on Facebook. It's just been sort of fun to catch up with people I never thought I'd see again. The best part has been remembering what was that "golden time" which will never come again....we were young college students working together in a really, really cool bar. Other than that, I think the only benefit has been that it's faster than emailing my sister in law and my brother.
Is it really that vital in finding a job? That I don't know, but I hope not for your sake! I'm still in the honeymoon stage of finding old college friends who really were good friends, but life got in the way. I'm sure the newness will wear off soon.
My kids never had myspace accounts and they use Facebook instead of email. I always thought grownups with myspace pages were kind of lame, but here I am with a Facebook. Between that and my boring blog....I should just get out more, maybe!
You didn't even KNOW how stylin' you were. ;-)
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