A crummy pair of jeans, covered in soil, worn with an old brown dress belt and a faded pair of navy blue converse from two summers ago, caked in mud.

And a blue mini check dress shirt, heavily frayed at the collar, without a shower or a shave.

The only proper thing for a gent to wear for a morning of digging holes and spreading cow poop over them. Four or five weeks to planting.
p.s. my garden blog is open for the season. mostly photos with minimal pontification. Check it out.
And the funny thing is, even scruffy and caked with mud you look more put together than most of the people I interact with on a daily basis.
I am very familiar with this look.
I drag home a pound of dirt on my knees everyday of the garden season. I find that rolling up the bottoms of my pants helps to collect even more dirt...
I'm waiting for a post on the ink. I'd like to see your tattoos and hear about them. I know that some folks in the "trad" community decry them, but I have some ink myself and fully support anyone else that believes tattoos do not pigeon-hole a person into a particular type of dress or lifestyle.
Here is a source for cheap canvas sneakers (you mentioned in other post). I might grab a couple of pairs myself, because $45 chuck taylors are a sin.
Dude, you have mad ink.
Love the gardening garb! I'm a big fan of the jeans/converse combo for outdoor labor as well.
I'm a little surprised with the converse--I always assumed (believe?) that outdoor 'work' requires something substantial in the footwear dept. There are a hundred choices here: an old (beat up)pair of Alden's or Thoroughgoods or, at least, some Bean gumshoes. Looking for canvas for a quicker dry-out try "Scout" commando boots.
So I went to the JCP link that Anonymous April 7 provided, and lo and behold, they had my size. Ended up getting the navy. My wife said check online for a coupon, found a 15% coupon, and ended up getting the shoes for under $18, and that's including tax and shipping! Now I just gotta wear them in so the white parts don't gleam so much like a toothpaste commercial.
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